latex em dash. 7. latex em dash

7latex em dash See how it works on Vimeo

– Orestes Mas. As a result, there will be no dots on the heads of i and j and that would look nice with the z unit vector. I want to represent, say, the closure of a set or the extended reals, e. On a PC with a number pad, you can type the minus key while holding down the control and. documentclass{article} % Preamble egin{document} % Body end{document}Here is a variant on Herbert's answer, using dimexpr instead (inspired from the thread ifnum for real numbers of comp. . (To be honest, I proofed the first 250 pages in detail, and then just checked the remainder for formatting. Double integral → ∬. Em-dashes — when used to separate parenthetical clauses — are often used without any spacing, but I rather prefer them with a hair (or perhaps thin) space on either side. I think it's generally accepted that it's also OK to insert a line break immediately after an em-dash. The ‘obvious’ way to do this is probably to write A,---,B rather than A---B (no spaces) or A --- B (unfortunately large spaces). Even though LaTeX is relatively easy to use, sometimes building complex typographical structures such as tables can become challenging. The long dash is the widest of the three horizontal marks that may be used in the middle of a sentence. Dashes are used to separate two words into statements. can you show an actual example where two papers by the same two authors have the second listed with two 3-em dashes? (in math, only a single 3-em dash would be used, indicating repetition of the exact same author "list"; if the first author is the same, but the second author different on two successive papers, the first author's name would be. I'd love it if docutils would actually interpret "--" and "---" as LaTeX does, but I'm sure that would be a philosophical hurdle. Let’s make that even more clear. If the list follows the independent clause, it is best to use a colon instead. If you want to use the ligatures --and ---with standard unicode fonts, use: 1 Answer. The easiest way to print a prime symbol in a latex document is to use a prime ( ') symbol or prime command. The en dash (–) is longer than a hyphen but shorter than an em dash. July 4, 2022. The rho symbol is a popular symbol in physics that represents density. The trouble is the em-dash, which I can’t set in the listings environment. On its own the caption package only knows a handful of separators:. Examples: Please call my lawyer—Richard Smith—on Tuesday. It’s not interchangeable with other types of dashes. Like the em dash, the en dash is typically available on your word processor’s symbol map, or it may even be inserted automatically by your word processor. Is there a way to make it look right?En Dash. From version 2. You already mentioned this in your question and it seems counter-intuitive for you. See the below image for what I am seeing: I don't like this greyed out look, but I do like the overall document's default font. The em dash in American English is a punctuation mark that helps to convey emphasis, introduction, interruption, or a swift change of thought. – Samuel Borders. For the minus sign use $-100$ (that is, a hyphen in math mode). tom-a-horrocks on Apr 4, 2018. LuaLaTeX is not inserting em dashes unless there is space around the triple dash. By Parvez / Symbols / September 8, 2023. The en dash is the width of an uppercase N — half the size of the em dash. 3. (Pedantic note: this happens only if the hyphenchar parameter for the current font is the hyphen. 0. Do not put a space before or after the dash. 6 On the use of em dashes. Top. There are four types of dashes used in writing: - Hyphen: joins two separate words into a single concept. en dash: –. user448810 user448810. org. If you or your company would like to sponsor improvements to LaTeX rendering in Dash, get in touch with our advanced development team. According to the docs, Xaringan should. When listing information, you may use the em dash between the list and independent clause when the list comes first. Unlike parentheses, which tend to minimize, dashes tend to emphasize the set-off text (i. Example. It is accompanied by practical implementation of code and output, so that the depth of knowledge increases. Perhaps the dashes don't need to be in CSL & Zotero could always use an en dash. These horizontal lines between the words are hyphens (Unicode point U+002D "Hyphen-minus"). 26378> not available (Font) size <24. The em-dash for Chicago should be an option, rather than the default. In the example the parbox is just to force LaTeX to break as much as possible. Parentheses would not be acceptable there, so I would. For this usage, make sure you use two em dashes. これについて. I rarely use the en dash, because a hyphen will do. LaTeX. It is wider than an en dash (–) or a hyphen (-). Which will be converted to three non-breaking spaces by your LaTeX software. You can use opt-hyphen and opt-shift-hyphen to create an em- or en-dash whenever you want. 5), which must be loaded in the environment where figures are being rendered. [4] 3. Dashes: If you want to uses dashes as punctuation, be consistent about their size and surrounding spacing. Depending on the context, the en dash is read as “to” or “through. Find out how to type em dashes, when to use them, and see the difference between an em dash vs. TeX 中,由于历史原因,em dash 不能直接输入(ASCII 没有为其分配码位),取而代之是用---输入。 在中西文混排的环境里,直接输入的 U+2014 会被 xeCJK 解释为中文破折号(的一半)并使用中文字体显示,而使用 --- 输入的仍然会被作为 em dash 并使用西文字体输出。Here's an example for binding the control sequence dash to the input character "—"; i. The missing one in that sequence, 2011, isn’t represented in the ‘standard’ or ‘normal’ font set, for that code, as far as. vpl. So, like so: —⁠. One could make the -character active and define it to perform the task you are asking for, but this, IMHO, would be a very bad idea, since the -character is used in a lot. LaTeX symbols have either names (denoted by backslash) or special characters. lambda. 2Unary operators. While it looks fine in. . Insert the \hyphens using BBTs "raw inserts", which would look like 081401<pre>\hyphen</pre> 1--081401<pre>\hyphen</pre>4. 0. You can find the em dash in the symbol drop-down menu in Microsoft Word. In any software program that handles text, the em dash can be typed on an enhanced keyboard as Alt + ( 0 1 5 1 )—that is, hold down the "alternate" key and type, using the numerical pad on the right side of the keyboard, the numbers 0151. Type this sign on Mac, press and hold the Command (⌘) key and the hit the M key. org. These can be inserted using -, -- and ---. Em-dashes An em-dash is a punctuation mark. 6. It should be noted that dashes are almost never required by the rules of grammar and punctuation. Select the "More Symbols" option to get the full list of special characters. , if your bibliography has two entries, authored by Anna Häuser. The Imitation of Christ. The fourth sign is actually not a dash at all—it is the mathematical minus sign: When loading fonts in fontspec, be sure to specify the option Ligatures=TeX. As a "phrase marker" – a kind of alternative to the parentheses – the en dash should have space either side. Late to the party, but I think this is actually the most elegant. To ignore the global file you can use chktex -g0 --localrc myrcfile mytexfile. vpl and add the following line at the very top. maybe a macro like crazyconjoinedhyphen{5} for typesetting 5 hyphens back to back as a single. Use the em dash to denote a break in a sentence: ‘He was running, Watson—running desperately’. The above shortcuts are all valid ways you can use to type the em dash in Word. turn a sequence of 3 hyphens " --- " into an em-dash "—". LaTeX distinguishes three different types of dashes in text: the hyphen -, the en dash - and the em dash —. LATEX provides us with commands that help us to list our items with ease. e. 如果整个单词都丢失了,2-em dash 的左右两侧都应留出空格,如果只有一部分丢失,那么在 2-em dash. In LaTeX, the en dash is required between two numbers, but LaTeX also gives a way to enter them. between these two lines of code. Its use or misuse for this purpose is a matter of taste, and subject to the effect on the writer’s or reader’s “ear. Thus for example, to specify a range of page numbers, one would type on. So, if you are using an 11pt font, then the space provided by quad will also be 11pt (horizontally, of course. tell us that they don’t have the following shortcuts. The underscore character is usually used to write a subscript in Math mode in latex, so it is not possible to print this character directly in the document. hyphenating a rare usage is fine, but it should be done tactfully to avoid confusion. Choose Symbol. The em dash is perhaps the most versatile punctuation mark. To use a character as a superscript, writing like this a^n is printed in the document an. Praesent pretium dapibus est interdum hendrerit. , and of the Regency. I shouldn't use swung dash (~) at all. In formal writing, an em dash is the width of an m and longer than both a hyphen and an en dash. It is accompanied by practical implementation of code and output, so that the depth of knowledge increases. Latex command. –The em dash is the width of an uppercase M. documentclass {article} egin {document} [. this method works just fine, the latex interpreter does not know how to process the leftarrow. The Spanish names for the hyphen, en-dash and em-dash are guión, semiraya o raya menor, and raya, respectively. This doesn’t work add LaTeX support to dcc. (I cheated up above and just used a non-breaking hyphen for the time span. I need something that's just right, in. Use the em dash to denote a break in a sentence: ‘He was running, Watson—running desperately’. For using Hyphen(-), En-dash(–), and Em-dash(—) symbols in documents, LaTeX provides you with some default commands by which you can use these symbols wherever you need them. It is interesting to speculate how you would get an example of a verbatim environment into a document. What I would like is a proper hyphenation of the two words attached to each em-dash, and---if necessary---to use the em-dash itself as a "hyphen" (no additional hyphen necessary if the line break occurs at the em-dash). Apparently this was never followed up on, but the Chicago Style Guide does, indeed, state that authors should "usually not use the 3-em dash" and many journals do not want em-dashed bibliographic entries for multiple same-author entries. org. Inserting an en-dash in Latex. 如果整个单词都丢失了,2-em dash 的左右两侧都应留出空格,如果只有一部分丢失,那么在 2-em dash. Graph but it does provide a component for rendering LaTeX expressions. Switch to a TeX engine and a font family that can handle the character U+2010 directly. You. 88> substituted on input line 103. Observe that this is a LaTeX issue, not a BibTeX issue. (This image was made with PowerPoint and Photoshop; the relative sizes of the dashes look right, however, the en dash and em dash don’t exactly match the width of. In the following example, LuaLaTeX and the EB Garamond font are used. If you’re using the proper font (Times New Roman 12), the three dashes will make a solid line. It is accompanied by practical implementation of code and output, so that the depth of knowledge increases. It is accompanied by practical implementation of code and output, so that the depth of knowledge increases. juh. The. (Em-dashes are recommended for open ranges e. Logout. Quadruple integral → ⨌. Mind that the <pre> bits will show up as-is if you use Zotero for non-BibTeX (ie Word) citations. It is accompanied by practical implementation of code and output, so that the depth of knowledge increases. A hyphen is not a dash—it is a character for specific purposes. The verb version would work, but would change the font. Aug 29, 2013 at 17:57. Without step 2), greek bold characters don't show up and latin bold appears to be typeset in Latin Modern Bold. 1. usepackage [utf8] {inputenc} % usually not needed (loaded by default) usepackage [T1] {fontenc} in your preamble. 7. Inserting an em-dash in Latex; Spaces and dashes; How to use an Em Dash (—) Properly. Logout. ice-cream). Sem instalação, colaboração em tempo real, controle de versões, centenas. In every page title on tex. the . Use the WORD JOINER Unicode character &#8288; on either side of your hyphen, or em dash, or any character. represented by the em-dash (---), but the dashdot line given by -. ewcommand*{iiemdash}{% 2em dash ule[0. Example. How can one obtain ----typeset as one long separator of the size of 4 hyphens joined? PS: A mechanism for possible extensions (with an argument) to longer widths would be a bonus, e. I really don’t want. TeX, LaTeX, and Bibtex are hard to use well. An em dash (—), the longest “dash,” is used as a substitute for a comma, colon, semi-colon, or parentheses and emphasizes information. lambda. In most. Then you understand that for double prime you have to use the symbol or command twice at the same time. The main use of em dashes is to set off extra information in a sentence. How to type Hyphen, En-dash, and Em-dash in LaTeX? Our main objective is to teach you LaTeX in a very easy way. Name and Output. The latex commands are: Hyphen: - En-dash: \textendash; Em-dash: \textemdash; With the latter two, you will likely want to append {}, because they swallow following space. Postby victorclaessen » Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:41 pm. 9. Latex will automatically turn it into an en-dash. There is also dash-katex, an alternative LaTeX renderer in Dash. LaTeX. Adding the suffix ize to an adjective can make it scandalous. They are organized into seven classes based on their role in a mathematical expression. Against all odds, Pete—the unluckiest man alive—won the lottery. Each of these have denser and looser variants, e. And as an indicator of interruption, like thi—The Em Dash: An Introduction. However, for English language that command "= is not defined. I want to write three short dashes ---, but Latex automaticaly change it to one long dash (em-dash). As mentioned elsewhere on this site, the release history explains that “the parameter XeTeXdashbreakstate is set to 1 by default, for both xetex and xelatex. Here is a MWE: \\documentcl. Typing the En Dash and Em Dash. In latex, there is no default predefined command to represent the degree celsius (°C) symbol. exe and xelatex. Let me explain what went wrong. On OS X, Option + Shift + -will do the same. For example, ---can be used to create em dashes (—), quotes can be typed ``like this'' instead of “like this. There is one problem that currently seems insolvable to me. It is interesting to speculate how you would get an example of a verbatim environment into a document. 12. 7. The en dash is used to represent a span or range of numbers, dates, or time. To make an em dash on a Mac computer, you type the hyphen key while holding down the shift and option keys. Running XeLaTeX in the hope it will print any Unicode character is not successful, as you experienced. Use the em dash to denote a break in a sentence: ‘He was running, Watson—running desperately’. Open jfbu opened this issue Dec 7,. We can take an inspiration from cursors in text editors. MatLab command. Christine Cloud, Producer. So you need to use the \textunderscore command to print this or you can use \_ this too. Defined in the June 2021 release of LaTeX. There are four kinds of 'dashes' in LaTeX: hyphen, en-dash (--), em-dash (---) and minus $-$. ただし、そのまま使用すると文字と同じ. From that link: "Figure titles, axis labels and annotations all accept LaTeX directives for rendering mathematical formulas and notation, when the entire label is surrounded by dollar signs $. 1514–1577). Use 2 em dashes for some quoted speech and deliberate omissions in text. Due to the typesetting rules, the em-dash MUST stay at the. Chapter 1: Writing documents Section 1. To denote the vector dot derivative you need to use vec {v} as an argument in the dot {arg} command like dot {vec {v}}. Visually, the difference in these punctuation marks is in their length: hyphen: –. tex is present. E. 1 Answer Sorted by: 21 You can use microtype: documentclass {article} usepackage [kerning=true] {microtype} SetExtraKerning {encoding = {OT1,T1,T2A,LY1,OT4,QX,T5,TS1,EU1,EU2}} % all text { extemdash =. — Em dash: used to introduce a phrase or subclause that clarifies the previous phrase. 2. If the list follows the independent clause, it is best to use a colon instead. With OT1 7C means a wide dash, that's why we get a wide dash instead of the pipe symbol in standard encoding. We love good questions. I wanted to know if there is a way to insert a long dash —. En dashes should be used for number ranges 34–42 without space. — –. Use an en dash to indicate a range, for example ‘rows 1–10’. And if you don’t enclose the characters in curly brackets then the first character will be valid as a. Consider the following code which defines an em dash: documentclass{book} usepackage[T1]{fontenc} usepackage[sfdefault]{cabin} ewcommand{emdash}{ obreak--- obreakhskip0pt} egin{document}. There are three types of dashes you can create with LaTeX: A dash between words, like "near-perfect". You can then use new dashes to control breaking behaviour of words with dashes. )Latex command. dash. From a graphic design perspective, I think it looks better, just in case different dashes occur on the same line. To print this symbol next to the letter you need to use the sim command and use this command in Math mode of latex. To write the Left Dashed Arrow symbol in a latex document, you need to use the dashleftarrow command of the MnSymbol package. With --, there is a feasible break points, because the ligature ends with the default hyphen character. \verb* or \begin {verbatim*} – to make whitespace visible. This is as a result of the default font encoding OT1. I am using CS/IT/SWE Resume Template from Overleaf (and am also a LaTeX noob). A hyphen (-) is a punctuation mark that’s used to join words or parts of words. Em dash shortcut 3 (Mac): If you are on mac, below is a shortcut to help you type the em dash sign in Word. maurera July 10, 2019, 4:49pm 18. E. If you're in a program that includes a formatting toolbar, like Microsoft Word, you can use the symbols or special characters section of your word processor and search for the em dash there. Then you can just type the characters normally into your source file. KB March 16, 2007, 3:19pm 2. It only takes a minute to sign up. Example. You can also add a * – i. It's only a small difference but I was curious if there is a proper way to handle this. LaTeX distinguishes three different types of dashes in text: the hyphen -, the en dash - and the em dash —. I've noticed that -- isn't automatically translated to an en-dash when I use that font. TeX. So you need to. The em dash can function like a comma, a colon, or parenthesis. g. Hold down the Alt key, press 0 1 5 1 on the numeric pad, and then release the Alt key. heta. tfm` . To get an em-dash, you can either add an ERT and type ---, or go to Insert --> Special character --> Symbols, and find the em dash under General punctuation. I don't think the idea about creating a package for nonbreaking hyphens/dashes or "no-line-breaking" after them is so uncommon though. It allows, in a manner similar to parentheses, an additional thought to be added within a sentence by sort of breaking away from that sentence—as I’ve done here. The method for inserting an em dash in Scrivener varies slightly with the version that you use. 通常英文寫作的 Dash 指的就是 Em Dash,也就是中文的「破折號」:連結不同句子,而 Hyphen (連字號) 則是用來連結單字,它們的規模不同。連接號英文是 En Dash,用來代替 to 這個介系詞,最常看到用來連結數字,像是履歷表的工作時間。 A hyphen is usually very short (it has its own Unicode character, but you can use the hyphen-minus instead because it looks the same), a minus is of the same width as the decimal digits (and is sometimes a little bit higher than the others), an en-dash takes approximately the width of the letter “N” or “n”, and an em-dash takes. If you prefer, you can configure your keyboard in Windows to accept Unicode codepoint numbers, instead of "traditional". org. I've noticed that en dashes and em dashes run into certain numbers and letters, and I don't believe it's standard to use spaces with these. An em-dash (or an en‐dash with spaces) is used to indicate a parenthetical clause/phrase (which, if removed does not interrupt the sentence), this is written in TeX by three consecutive hyphens, ---or extemdash. Compatibility issue: Most existing markdown implementations don’t do these substitutions (at least by default), so if CommonMark would require such. E. There are four kinds of 'dashes' in LaTeX: hyphen, en-dash (--), em-dash (---) and minus $-$. Logout. It is a feature of the Chicago Manual of Style bibliography styles that they replace. But there’s no such thing as a non-breaking em-dash (—) or en-dash (–). When listing information, you may use the em dash between the list and independent clause when the list comes first. The character repertoire had to be kept small, so several characters such as hyphen, en dash, em dash, and minus sign were lumped together. I don't know about latex. The 2 em dash can be used to indicate missing letters in a word, either because material is missing or illegible, or to conceal a name. Short and simple. S. Underscore. With mathpazo all characters are roughly at the same height, but the hyphen is still a tad thicker. 1. 2. You can then use new dashes to control breaking behaviour of words with dashes. Symbol/Unicode. The en dash is about as wide as an uppercase N; the em dash is as wide as an M. Depending on the context, the em dash can take the. documentclass {beamer} usepackage {textcmds} egin {document} egin {frame} This is to test dashes X extendash rays are very powerful end {frame} end {document} If you want to insert dash within beamer slide, use package textcmds and include extendash where ever you want to display dash. A space is used before and after the en-dash when used in literary copy. You could also define varemdash in a similar context: ewcommand {varemdash} [1] [10pt] {% makebox [#1] {leadershbox {---}hfillkern0pt}% } if this is your default usage. 48–56. e. An en-dash is also used in numerical series as in from ten–twenty pieces. The ‘obvious’ way to do this is probably to write A\,---\,B rather than A---B (no spaces) or A --- B (unfortunately large spaces). 6 I am preparing a poster based on a specific template I have to use. The em dash can function like a comma, a colon, or parenthesis. Below are some examples of the use. Underscore. If your keyboard can't produce a dash, you will have to resort to a hyphen as a stand-in. Open the file cmlh10. If you need help contact [email protected]、En Dash 与 Em Dash -分割线- 如果你想与我进一步交流,关注公众号“ 学英语那点事 ”关注后就可以找到我啦,我还建立了一个大学生英语学习社群( 英语角 ),群里都是对英语充满热情的小伙. \lambda. e. For example, to have "x-hat" displayed in the X-Label, do the following:twenty-five. For instance, LaTeX marks up hyphens, en-dashes, and em-dashes as ‘ - ‘, ‘ -- ‘, and ‘ --- ‘ which makes it very easy to type in which one you want. Rule #5. Alternatively, you can modify the labels of only certain levels with. , a literal em-dash, U+2014, in the source: DeclareUnicodeCharacter{2014}{dash} dash can then be defined in the usual manner; I use: DeclareRobustCommanddash{%. According to Wikipedia, footnotes were invented by an English printer called Richard Jugge (c. 2k 31 31 gold badges 165 165 silver badges 233 233 bronze badges. No package is required to print the Big Gamma Symbol in a Latex document, you just need to use Gamma, the default command of Latex. Em Dash 對應中文的「破折號」(影片 00:52~),是三者裡面最長的符號,它的用途,簡單來說,是用來連結不同的句子或是句中的不同部分,特別用在表示想法的延伸或轉變。 (更多 Em Dash 使用細節,安排於接下來的影片,希望後續收到影片上線通知的英文學習者,歡迎訂閱我的 email newsletter,收到. This will produce a thick short dash before the h, but a longer thinner dash (em dash) before help. Em Dash ( — ) The em dash is the longest of the three dashes and lines in the English language. Then will be the gradient of the function. 双重和三重的 em dash 相对少见,但也是正规的标点符号,可以介绍一下。. Manuel Kühner asked why the position is important for me. Typing “---” prints just three hyphens, \emdash{} doesn’t print anything at all, escaping the listings environment does print the em-dash, but it creates trouble with the string formatting: The space characters are. documentclass {article} egin {document} [ 1 = lambda f. , by typing '-', '--', or '---'), The single minus — the hyphen — appears. pm. With respect to dashes, good math books have, at least, four kind of different symbols: a hyphen (-), an en-dash (–), an em-dash (—) and a minus sign (−). [french] {babel} doesn't apply this rule, so I ended up making my. In LaTeX you can get a longer hyphen by using two or three dashes, i. We love good questions. iiiint. półpauza) and em dash (pol. These can be inserted using -, -- and ---. frenchsetup {ItemLabeli= extbullet, ItemLabelii= { ormalfontfseries extendash}} Accepted keys are ItemLabeli up to ItemLabeliv. Type two hyphens with no space between them like–this. The babel package cares this difference so that ---prints a shorter emdash if russian is the current language. 4pt}} However, I compared that to the em-dash (---) and find that they are not on the same height: @Dr. documentclass{article} % Preamble egin{document} % Body end{document}Info Newest Frequent Score Active Unanswered. As shown above, em dashes are often left unspaced when used in this way. ge. Latex command. See how it works on Vimeo . . It isn't nice to have em-dash at the end of a line too. 56. documentclass{article} % Preamble egin{document} % Body end{document}em dash representation in an edit tab. For using Hyphen (-), En-dash (–), and Em-dash (—) symbols in documents, LaTeX provides you with some default commands by which you can use these symbols wherever you need them. sx, it says. Unicode character: 2014 hex. Graph. It is accompanied by practical implementation of code and output, so that the depth of knowledge increases. LaTex, for example, will typeset both. To modify the book function, search for the following lines of code:Typing the En Dash and Em Dash. The functions that need further, special attention are those for entries of type @book and @inbook, because they have to deal with both repeated author (s) and repeated editor (s). I have many dashes like this — in the text but in the PDF all I get is two small dashes like this --. asked Jul 21, 2011 at 12:22. What I don't think is desired is to permit a line break immediately before an em-dash. Inserting an en-dash in Latex. How to type Hyphen, En-dash, and Em-dash in LaTeX? Our main objective is to teach you LaTeX in a very easy way. Logout. We had plenty of dash characters--we had hyphens of course, and figure dashes, and en dashes, and em dashes. Just with mathrel {hat {=}}. The 2010⁠–⁠2011 season was our best yet. Use an en dash to indicate a range, for example ‘rows 1–10’. and the em-dash (—), which is the width of the letter "m". documentclass{article} % Preamble egin{document} % Body end{document}So don't worry, fans of LaTeX em-dash :) --- In contrast to the above, which will ensure that this is on a nested slide. The babel package for Cyrillic defines the command "= which should be used instead of dash: so you can write по"=своєму and it will correctly hyphenate that word. You already mentioned this in your question and it seems counter-intuitive for you. Praesent pretium dapibus est interdum hendrerit. Apr 23, 2014 at 0:40. An en-dash is also used as a minus sign as in –10°F. The MWE below shows what I’ve tried so far. Skip to content. You can access three of them with different numbers of consecutive dashes. S i cap S k → S i ∩ S k. In LaTeX, smart means to use the standard TeX ligatures for quotation marks (`` and '' for double quotes, ` and ' for single quotes) and dashes (--for en-dash and ---for em-dash). It works fine when using a unicode em dash, or explicitly using the extemdash macro. The. Completed proofing. 2. Long dash with other fonts in XeLatex. documentclass {article} egin {document} [ a pm b ] [ x=frac {-bpmsqrt {b^2-4ac}} {2a} ] [ 2ax_1=. I think the OP's objective is to find a way to permit LaTeX to hyphenate words that precede or follow an em-dash. e. It is accompanied by practical implementation of code and output, so that the depth of knowledge increases. All over the internet, there's this question on how to make LaTeX do the en-dash and em-dash. \iiint. The problem I have is that these transformations only occur for the strings in the yaml metadata (which appear in the title slide), but not for the text in the normal slides.